速報APP / 工具 / SoilBox Premium

SoilBox Premium





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Transversal 16 Bis #45D-63 Apartamento 607

SoilBox Premium(圖1)-速報App

SoilBox is an amazing and unique mobile application, with this powerful geotechnical tool you are at the forefront of how the geotechnical bearing capacity and settlements calculations are performed, SoilBox has reinvented the way of the calculations for geotechnical designs defining the future of computing applications

SoilBox Premium allows you:

- Perform calculations of geotechnical bearing capacity under static and pseudostatic conditions.

- Calculate baring capacity of soil, considering inclined loads and the presence of eccentricities in the foundations.

SoilBox Premium(圖2)-速報App

- Calculate immediate settlements of soil.

- Create, edit and save each of your projects and you can also share data and calculation results.

- Now you can make your calculations of geotechnical design in all your electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, computers).

- Access to an output file in *.pdf format that can easily be shared by mail.

SoilBox Premium(圖3)-速報App

- Make and take with you wherever and whenever your geotechnical bearing capacity calculations, fast, accurately, efficiently and easyly.